Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant
Electronic Store
Precision of stock, product in-out based on serial code/ IMEI, in Olsera Point of Sale system.
Get the accurate calculation of inventory data, start from incoming stock, sold stock, transfer stock, opname stock, to detailed stock movements analysis.
IMEI or Serial Number
Record the entry and exit of each electronic good based on the serial number or IMEI code for accuracy as well anticipation of claims from customers in the future.
Variants and SKU Product
Product data is neatly structured according to the categories, items, and SKUs. Support unlimited product variants, you can search the SKUs with barcode scaninng tools.
Wholesale Price
Apply product selling prices dynamically according to the customer category or the quantity of each transaction. Exactly what you have practiced so far.
Business Website
Develop your business and be more professional with a Whitelabel online store website that is connected to the cashier application. Make it easy for loyal customers to place orders with integrated shipping options.
Calculate Shipping Cost from POS
Calculate the shipping cost of each different courier automatically directly from your cashier application.
Reorder from Supplier
Identical to CRM feature, now you can also list the Suppliers of each product you sell, for easy replenishment order of stock.
One QR Code for all QRIS Payments
other payment method
Other Features
Olsera is point of sales with all of the features you need most, start from product management, customer management, promotion feature, suppliers, absence, staff access, et cetera.
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